Sunday 9 October 2011

The Hot Drop that Wasn't...

Our Alliance Buddys have had some impressive and some no so impressive Success with Hot Dropping targets in Low Sec with a Black Opps ship and a fleet of Stealth Bombers, However this time things didn't go to plan and in the excitement of a juicy target we suffered an epic fail with hilarious Results and all captured on video.

Friday 26 August 2011

ECM Death Star...

The ECM Death Star is a term I only recently heard during an Alliance Chat, a term which I liked and stuck in my head as it reminds me of my favourite star wars movies, this got me thinking back when Wormholes were introduced to the Game it was very easy to find empty one to set up Home in, However now its becoming increasingly difficult and has become common practise for stronger corps to take possession of said Wormholes by force, and an EMC death Star is the way they get a foot hold in your system forcing you to leave by choice or by force.

With the rise of these incredibly hard to kill strongholds a new trend has spawned that is growing at a fast rate, and that is the numbers of Capital Ships being built inside the Wormhole system its self to help defend against these beasts, When the corp. I was in first started living in Wormholes we built Battleships in there as it was a C1 class, thinking that this would be enough to take on anyone thinking of invading and at the time it was, however this is no longer the case it seems with the increasing demand for WH space the size of ship required to hold on to said space has now increased to Carrier and Dreadnought sizes, of course this starts to exclude some of the younger or less prepared corps because these beasts have quite a long skill que to fly and a lot of ore/isk/skills to build. I Used to hate the fact that a mining barge such as a Coveter or Hulk once assembled in a Class 1 couldn’t be removed, Now your looking at a ship that costs over a billion to buy :-)

It goes to show these days if your wanting to live in a Wormhole these days you really have to be committed to it to be able to stay there.

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Monday 8 August 2011

Battle at WOLF_K162 Part-2...

I will start by apologising for the amount of time it has taken to write the second part of this Post but I have been finding it hard to find the time of day to write it as I do love to play the game at night and work always gets in the way during the day :-) but I suppose I have to pay the bills some how lol, I will also apologise now if I don't mention names directly, I know you guys love to see your names in print but I have been warned of the dangers of putting to much detail into my blog posts, so if your reading this and you were involved you know who you are and you can feel proud to be a part of it lol :-)

Anyway the story Continues..

So after the alliance came to our rescue and secure the Wormhole exit, and for the time being and halting the attack on our POS everyone decides to call it a night with some of the alliance loggin off at our POS so they are ready for the next day, at this point I have to log to as by now its getting quite late and with the morning starting to get closer I decide I need to sleep.

I spend the next day constantly checking my evemail at work watching for mails ect. until I get home and can once again log in, as I enter my POS shield I see there attack fleet hitting on our defences at this point I realise I had left the POS guns turned off as I start turning it back on they leave and go back to hit and run bomb runs this slows down the attack a bit, during this time alliance members start loggin in and start planning how to move forward while I find the exit, over the following hour or 2 the alliance amass a huge fleet of about 40+ pilots willing to help and they then start to form up in a system or 2 outside the target system while this was happening an unwitting and slightly unlucky protious decides to come into the WH for a poke around unfortunately for us and him this collapses the WH behind him leaving him to die a horrible death with no way of escape, this unfortunately means we have to find the new exit and move the fleet there which again takes another hour.

Finally we get the new entrance and then the fleet in place and we start jumping ships in due to the size of the fleet this task takes a little time and the number of ships we have took 2 or 3 wormholes to get everyone in, Large fleets always impress me and this one didn't disappoint it was immense, I have been in other alliances before and none of them have impressed me as much as this one, (so a big thank you to everyone) so anyway with the fleet amassed and everyone on comms the attack on the invaders started, at this point I would like to say you guys from Endless frontiers had put an amazing set up on your POS as I think it was quite tough to take out, however with a lot of persistence our fleet started to take the mods out, the fight when on through the night with a few hilarious moments where the enemy came out of there own POS for it to shoot at there own members (its happens to the best of us) however time started to get the better of us and we were unable to get the POS into re-enforced before people had to start logging off this ment fighting would have to be postponed until the next day.

again I spent the next day nervously watching my mail while at work as my corp mates send out reports of things that are happening, and this is when I start getting reports saying the enemy would like to start talking about a truce and the possibility coming to some arrangement where we both stay in the WH, at first I like the rest of my corp were apposed to this idea as we felt that the trust issues were now to big to overcome however when I logged in one of our alliance guys brought me into a comms conversation with the CEO of Endless to talk possible outcomes and resolutions, and while I can stand firm with my decisions when its just faceless text, when its a voice conversation and you start to hear its not some 15year old trying to rule the world or that he's not the spawn of Satan but some nice guy my views start to sway (this is why I have storm she is the firm one).

the result of these talks ended in a cease fire and and guidelines being set out where we could share the resource of the WH without anymore ships or PODs being lost and although I know a few of the alliance members were unhappy about this decision (including Stormo who has now forgiven me) we finally decided that it was the best thing also meaning that people didn't have to spend another late night POS bashing which as we all know is a long boring process.

its now been a few weeks and all has been well with both sides communicating and the offering of help so although neither side fully trust each other, I think it will work out. So a big hats off to all the guys and alliance member who were involved as without you guys we would have never been able to hold the Wormhole or even come to the resolution we ended up coming to :-)

Monday 25 July 2011

Incarna Inspired Banner...

There seems to be mixed thoughts about Incarna throughout the eve community some people like it others dont want it or anything to do with it, I however am not one of them, as much as it slows down the docking process and the fact i do miss spinning my ship in the station i also like the idea of being able to walk in stations, so with this in mind i have produced a new Incarna inspired banner for my blog :-) enjoy.

Friday 22 July 2011

Battle at WOLF_K162 Part-1...

As you know Sunday we found out our WH Space had been invaded by a Corp Endless Frontiers picking fights with our join occupants Kickass and his corp Evenhorizon International. So Monday Afternoon comes along and I log in to find Eventhorizon int. had been given the option to die horribly or leave (they choose the latter) buy moving all pilots and equipment out, Endless Frontiers then started there negotiations with us by taking Pot-shots at our Tower and giving us the same terms as they did our friends.

I now regretted logging on early as none of my contacts that could give us some help were online meaning this left me little option other than to except there terms and start the laborious task of moving our stuff out. Neither Khan or Icehawk (our permanent Wormhole inhabitants) could fly anything except amarr Ship which was an issue as Cid had a bunch of Caldari vessels in there so I had to negotiate terms on letting Mobious in as he can fly most race ships, this was agreed and I started moving him to the exit location.

Once I was there strict rules were given to me by the enemy one of which was only being able to take POD's or haulers in, anything else and I would be shot and any deals to leave would be off ect. so still not happy with the situation I reluctantly started moving stuff out, recruiting 007 to bring his orca to the exit making the job quicker as there was no station in the exit system to unload in.

During this time Parious MeHoff (A Rare Murderous good guy) from the SORTEK alliance came online and contacted me, so I explained the situation and what I was currently in the process of doing, he immediately told me to stop what I was doing saying that he was on his way, knowing this would instantly cause our shotgun leaving terms to end I continued to move out the expensive stuff that we really didn't want to lose till our buddy was near the system.

Luckily because 007 was still at the exit, once parious was in the system he was able to join fleet with him giving him a warp to point, knowing this I hung back at our POS knowing what was about to go down, then Parious jumped in with the only communication from our invading force being "the War is on" (or something of a similar nature) he quickly started assessing the situation and within no word of a lie managed to gather a 15+ man fleet in about 5 or 10 mins all on there way to help secure the WH and show that Blood_Wolf inc. wasn't alone and that we had friends that weren't going to make it easy for them, unfortunately by this time the evening was getting late and the enemy had started to log off for the night, however the evening ended with our friends jumping reinforcements in to the WH and providing the remainder of the enemy fleet with a rather hilarious mass Wave in Local.

To Be Continued...

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